The Rotary Club of Ojai

Ojai Rotary Reminder Newsletter
May 3rd, 2024

Christine Fenn, Editor
May is Education Month
Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. 
Our 1.4 million-member organization started with the vision of one man—Paul P. Harris. The Chicago attorney formed one of the world’s first service organizations, the Rotary Club of Chicago, on 23 February 1905 as a place where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of each member.
In the Beginning...
Co-president Carl Gross Prather welcomed us to a pre Cinco de Mayo feast. Liz Sampson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Co-president Carl thanked Kelley Rassmussen for helping him with setup and breakdown. Deirdre Daly received our lunch deposits at the Welcome Desk while Leslie Bouche greeted us with her warm-hearted self. Reminder Editor was Christine Fenn, Photos compliments of Co-President, Bill Prather.

Greg Webster recited a very touching poem written by his poetic grandfather Jim Webster:

When the floral ray comes forth in color

As the bonded day is formed with others

As life expands in grandeur and shares

The beauteous of their sheltered care

Each petal is formed in perfect shape

As nature caused in perfect state.

Our fondest secret as labored here today

The fields of stock are scented by the floral blooms at bay

Have you seen the vibrancy where tinted colors grew?

O’ to learn the secret as unfolded morning dew.

And the floral petals in the time of early Spring and with happiness they do bring,

Now with fragrance each will bloom and bare tiny little budlets providing joy as nurtured with love and scented care.


Visiting Rotarians and Guests

After a wonderful Taco salad meal by Jane, our Rotarian guests and visitors were introduced:

Al West has Paul Putman, visiting from Ohio, he is the Executive Director and CEO of Treefund,

Past District Governor and member of Rotary West, Jack McClanahan and our speakers, Jennifer Jordan Day and Joel Fox of Smile Mountain Magic.



The people's hospital on the Island of Roatan has burned to the ground along with some nearby buildings.  This presents a health crisis for the people of Roatan who depend on the hospital to provide acute and outpatient care.  Our free clinic in Coxen Hole has taken up the challenge, seeing a rise in outpatient clinic visits. We have reached out to our fellow Roatan Rotarians to help coordinate and support the building of a new hospital. This will occur in stages. More news forthcoming.

This video is by an artist who's wife is a retired physician living on the neighboring island of Utila. Click here.

Bob Skankey was thrilled with the card signed by our members wishing him a speedy recovery from a recent illness.

Deirdre Daly, Fern Barishman, Sue Gilbreth, Suzanne Scar, and Kathy Yee participated in the Walk for Ronald Mcdonald's Family Room at Ventura County Medical Center.

Upcoming Programs – Jack Jacobs

5/10-Restaurant lunch meetings, around the Valley to say, "Thank-You for your participation in Taste of Ojai."

5/17-11:45 Rotary Club of Ojai Educational Foundation Scholarship presentations/lunch, $20

5/24-Dark for Memorial Day weekend.

5/31-Fifth Friday-TBA

6/7-Eric Knight, the new CEO of the Humane Society of Ventura County, 

6/14 David Gugenheim on the Coral Reefs of Cuba. Dr. Guggenheim will be discussing the remarkable coral reefs of Cuba - Hopeful stories from the Ocean Doctor.


Confessions and Fining: Bryant Huber

Fining was done by Bryant Huber as he enlightened us on the new language called “Jen Z” slang. Who knew that “bussin” means really good and “mid” means so-so. Bob Eisler helped rake in all the fines. Great teamwork.








The Program: Smile Mountain Magic

President-Elect Wendy Barker introduced our speakers, Jennifer Jordan Day and Joel Lewis. They had a wonderfully fun and fresh power point presentation of many of the T.V. video’s, commercials they have done over the years, often using their own yard, Ojai at large. Levi’s and Vans are just a few of their major clients. There is new children’s series that will be out in August on Nickelodeon, stay tuned!


Please remember to come early (11:30 to 11:45) to the Scholarship Presentation at our St. Thomas Aquinas Community Center.


Final Thoughts: (for Mother's Day)

Mothers are like glue. Even when you can't see them, they're still holding the family together.                    


You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.

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