Matilija Middle School Students simulated interview by
Rotary Club of Ojai
Near the end of each school year the Matilija Middle School and the Rotary Club of Ojai collaborate to put on the Matilija Portfolio Interview Day. This event has become an important tradition for both the Rotary Club of Ojai and the students at Matilija Middle School. This activity is a vehicle for: “Enhancing student motivation, building a sense of accomplishment, a link between school and the world of work.”
Students collect samples of their work from various classes and place them in a portfolio provided by Rotary. These samples represent student accomplishments and growth over their last two years at Matilija. The portfolio will be assembled during their English class and presented to the interviewer on Portfolio Day. The students look forward to this day with a combination of excitement and anxiety. They will be dressed in ‘business attire,’ a white shirt and tie or best dress.
Students prepare for this interview by creating a resume and cover letter to introduce their portfolio. They practice interviewing skills and learn the importance of first impressions: A proper greeting and appropriate dress.
The event is a unique opportunity for a caring adult to get acquainted with the youth of our valley.